Complete the following complaints or claims form
¿Do you wish to identify yourself for the purposes of your complaint, suggestion and/or claim?
Complete the following complaints or claims form
What is your relationship with the company?
Almaviva worker
Distributor customer
Consumer customer
Complete the following complaints or claims form
What do you want to do?
Suggestions/Internal Complaints
Make a complaint
Description of the suggestion or complaint
Complete the following complaints or claims form
Identification of the type of complaint
Accounting and auditing aspects
Conflict of interest
Misappropriation and or diversion of resources
Environmental protection
Falsification of contract records or reports
Actions related to contractors
Retaliation discrimination
Safety at work
Violations related to securities or securities
Sexual harassment
Workplace or moral harassment
Annoying noises
Annoying odors
Dust emission
Complete the following complaints or claims form
Can you identify the people involved in the complaint?
Complete the following complaints or claims form
Can you indicate where the events of your complaint occurred?
Complete the following complaints or claims form
Can you indicate when (exact or approximate date) the events of your complaint occurred?
Complete the following complaints or claims form
How did you find out about the facts you are reporting?
It happened to me
I watched her
I heard it
A coworker told me about it
I accidentally found a report or file
I deducted it from my day job
Complete the following complaints or claims form
Please provide any additional details related to the alleged violation that you are aware of, and generally any other information that may be valuable in the final evaluation and resolution of this situation.
Complete the following complaints or claims form
If you have any document, photograph or file that supports your report, please upload it to the system
Report made, report code for follow-up:
Tracking Code:
Complaint follow-up consultation
Enter tracking code
Viña Almaviva S.A. has implemented through its website a simple and efficient system for reporting anonymous complaints, suggestions and/or claims so that customers, suppliers, neighbors, community and third parties can communicate to the Company, on a confidential basis, regarding the commission of crimes contemplated in Law 20,393, violations of the current legal system or of our corporate policies. damage to the environment, alteration of environmental conditions that affect the community. If you wish to make a report, we recommend that you provide all details related to the alleged violation, including the locations of witnesses and any other information that may be valuable in the evaluation and final resolution of this situation.
We suggest that before making your complaint, suggestion and/or claims, you read our “Procedure for Anonymous Complaints, suggestions and/or claims of Viña Almaviva S.A.”
Reporting Channel Law 21.643
Also known as the “Karin Law”. To report inappropriate behavior that may affect the work environment, in accordance with Law 21,643, go to the following link: